Saturday, August 11, 2007

Being Honest With Ourselves

We all know people who constantly dramatize everything in their lives. Nothing happens to them that is not embellished to maximize how it sounds to other people. They are always on stage and they are the main player.

If we speak to them of a situation then they have one which is worse than or better than our situation. If it is a good story they are the hero and if it a bad story they are the victim. There is a term we could use and that is they are either Drama Queens or Kings.

Perhaps they believe that it gives them the attention they feel they deserve or to make us believe they have an exciting or better life they we have. It really doesn't matter which as they are only cheating themselves. They lie to themselves and others and it becomes a habit. A habit difficult to break.

Change starts by our being honest with ourselves about what is happening in our lives and how we truly feel about it. When we don't like how we feel about our life in some aspect and know it; then, we have the catalyst necessary to make changes.

Being honest with ourselves can be difficult at times especially when it involves highly charged emotional issues. I still struggle with this one just less frequently than in the past.

Your thoughts?

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12 conversations:

Jennifer said...

Exaggeration is a huge problem. It takes a huge amount of effort to get over doing it.

I used to do this a ton with certain people whom I thought I had to impress. Well, I am not to the point where I don't care whom I impress and if you don't like me. That is your issue and not mine and I don't care. You can't be liked by everyone, but everyone is liked by someone.

Peter Haslam said...

It is also common in groups Jennifer which makes it twice as hard to break

Loz said...

I think your comment about needing to be honest with ourselves is the key Peter. Because that often means that people get hurt - all you can do is hope that in being honest the length of time it takes to get over the hurt is lessened.

Peter Haslam said...

Very good point loz what we face doesn't come back to haunt us

ndpthepoetress Jean Michelle Culp said...

Wow, so true! Somewhere some People are choking on your words while wrestling their inward Drama Queen/King to become more realistic and embrace life as it really is; perhaps learning in the process that things are never as bad as they might seem; rather they truly were merely being the Masters of their own demise.

Empress Bee (of the high sea) said...

i know i was guilty of this to a degree when i was younger and insecure. i think that is the keyword here, insecure. now i don't much give a fig! ha ha good post!

smiles, bee

Peter Haslam said...

Yes Jeane Michelle perspective is everything

Peter Haslam said...

I agree Bee that when we are young we feel we need to be other than ourselves but it only leads us into trouble

Jennifer Jones said...

Hi Peter...

Nice insight!

It is not always easy to be honest with ourselves... the shadow is not an easy thing to see!



Peter Haslam said...

Very true JJ it is difficult to see

Sandee said...

I think most of us embellish a bit. I know I have from time to time. I call it being flowery...It's not a lie, just juiced up some. It really isn't necessary either. As I've grow older I don't seem to need to do that anymore. Perhaps it's because I am retired? Great food for thought as usual Peter. :)

Peter Haslam said...

Yes it does diminish as we get older Sandee