Saturday, July 7, 2007

Paralysis of Analysis

Along with overcoming mistakes which was yesterdays post is a similar issue that often prevents us from attempting to make a change.

We all have had at some point difficult situations which are so complicated we just don't know what all the consequences will be until after we have taken action.

There we sit going over and over in our mind trying to sort out priorities, impacts and possible results. Every time we think we have a solution and decide what we want to do we think of another problem with what we want to do.

The problem has paralyzed us. We can no longer think straight as we are lost in the problem. We need to step back and understand that not making a decision is also making a decision. A decision to stay the same.

Now we need to shift the focus back to why we need to make the decision. We must understand clearly what it is that we want to have happen for ourselves. We need to reevaluate whether the original reason we got stuck in the problem is still valid. Perhaps the analysis we have done will change how we define the problem and lead to a better solution.

If not then we must realize that we can not have a perfect solution and act on our best choice and accept that there will be unknown consequences. Not perfect but very human.

Your thoughts?

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16 conversations:

A Friend said...

I believe we make our decisions based on the information we have at the time. Later, upon reflection, we may discover the error in our decision making based on new information. This does not, however, exclude the frequent "error in judgement" where we have the information but either choose to ignore pertinent facts or choose to make the decision despite the facts.
Disappointments arise when others have information that could or would influence our decision making but they choose not to share that information or they do not think to share. Case in point: a medical doctor not providing all information for fear the patient could not "handle" the information.
Just some thoughts...

Peter Haslam said...

Very good thoughts A Friend and thank you for adding to the conversation

Empress Bee (of the high sea) said...

hi peter, no thoughts tonight, i am soooo tired, just wanted to stop in and say hi, hope that is okay?

smiles, bee

Peter Haslam said...

Of course Bee always good to hear from you. Will be over to check how your trip went :)

Sandee said...

Baby steps are needed here. Test the waters so to speak but keep moving forward. What is it you want to accomplish always the focal point. Most of us have seen paralysis of analysis and it isn't pretty. Excellent as usual Peter. You just plain make us think and thank you for that. :)

Anonymous said...

It is true we don't have to necessary make the decision.. again all these decisions draw the journey of our life.. well, may be the decision made was wrong.. but hey! the impart after that, will teach us the valuable lesson to us.. don't you think so?

Unknown said...

I guess as long as we give ourselves that room to be human and we know that we did try our best to think of all the situation and answers to the problem and didn't simply take the easiest way out - it's okay

Peter Haslam said...

Yes Sandee and sometimes we lose sight of our focus point and need to go back and reevaluate with the additional info our analysis provided.

Peter Haslam said...

Yes it is all about lessons as you pointed out. Some lessons we won't learn until after acting. Thanks for joining the conversation

Peter Haslam said...

Yes Random Magus we need to see mistakes as our learning tool, stop trying to be perfect and live life

Curious Cat said...

I think Voltaire said: "The best is the enemy of the good." I believe it is wise to try and take actions in a way that allows us to continue to make improvements... It is much easier to do better today and better tomorrow and better the next day than to try and find the perfect way before you act.

Peter Haslam said...

A good observation curiouscat thank you for your addition

Anonymous said...

Hi Peter.. I completely forgot to tell you about my post on Ilker's blog.. did you get to see it? sorry about that.. I have been completely overwhelmed lately...

here is the link to it
meeting your virtual friends

great article btw - as usual..:)

Peter Haslam said...

Good for you Pearl well deserved. Will go and take a look

Jennifer Jones said...

Great post as usual Peter! :-)

Thanks for this,


Peter Haslam said...

Thank you Jennifer