Friday, July 6, 2007

Overcoming Mistakes

We have learned that mistakes are negative while we were children at school  and as we joined the work force.  We are allowed learning mistakes as long as they are not repeated or don't cost to much. This is an attitude that assumes we could have prevented them through better thinking or planning.

But what are mistakes?

They are usually things that we only understand in hindsight as being errors in thinking as we failed to predicte future events and actions prefectly. It is only when we accept those errors as somehow being preventable that we can feel we have screwed up. Yes, we want to prevent major errors in judgement whenever possible as is sensible. But to try and eliminate all mistakes is not possible.

We should understand that mistakes will be made and realize that they will be part of making any change. Then when we make one we can adjust immediately and continue rather than having it stop us in our tracks as so many times it does.

Perhaps we should consider mistakes as a natural part of living and not blow them out of proportion when we make them as we will.

Your thoughts?

8 conversations:

Sandee said...

To err is human. I agree that you cannot go through life without making mistakes. Learn from them and move on. I liked your thoughts on adjusting immediately and continue on rather than stop us in our tracks. Right on the money in my book. I have always tried to have a plan A, B and C. This aids us in the moving from error to correction immediately. Another excellent post Peter. Have a great weekend.

Peter Haslam said...

Yes Sandee sometimes we feel that if there is 1 mistake then the whole plan is in question. Have a great weekend

paisley said...

where it not for mistakes,, i would have nothing with which to gauge my progress......

Peter Haslam said...

Me to paisley. Without mistakes I would not be paying attention to the right thinks. Thanks for your addition

Anonymous said...

I find when I am not making mistakes I am not really doing anything. Thank God for mistakes...

Peter Haslam said...

I agree beth my greatest learning came from mistakes

Anonymous said...

As fallible beings, mistakes are unavoidable. Learn from the past, live for today. If we don't learn from our mistakes we are destined to repeat them until we do. "To err is human, to forgive Divine." We must learn to forgive ourselves while we are progressing on our life path.

The number and degree of mistakes we make in life is deeply influenced by the role modeling, feedback and input we were fed as children.

“If you have made mistakes, there is always another chance for you. You may have a fresh start any moment you choose, for this thing we call 'failure' is not the falling down, but the staying down.” Mary Pickford

Great writing. Great posts!

Peter Haslam said...

Good viewpoint romancingthecrone and a good quotation right to the heart of the matter