Friday, June 22, 2007

Too Much Truth

We may want to make a major change to accomplish a desired goal and find that we run into trouble at almost every turn. This is not an uncommon problem.

It arises from the fact that our beliefs, truths, and habits are like an interwoven multicolor ball of wool that have built up in layers over the years as our lives grew more complex and diversified.

Now we have reached a point that we want to change a major belief or habit. The real root issue is that beliefs are our truths that we have held and bound our experiences to and the result is like the famous Gordian knot. Now we are attempting to duplicate the feat of Alexander and cut through it with one swipe of the sword. 

It could result in trying to change too much truth all at once and it may overwhelm us and stop us in our tracks. If we reach this barrier then we need to change our approach.

We could treat a major change more like peeling the layers of an onion. Each layer represents truths, beliefs, and experiences that we have to restructure in the context of the new belief that we wish to hold. As with peeling an onion we have tears (emotions) that we need to stop and wipe our eyes and wait a moment to let the effect evaporate. Layer by layer we can steadily approach our goal of changing our beliefs and truths until it is done.

Not all things can be fixed by approaching it with a sword.

What has been your experience?

9 conversations:

Lavender said...

Beautifully written, genuinely good advice Peter. I just discovered your blog thru the BUMPzee/do follow community and Im very pleased I did.
My blog the birds & the beads is not in the same vein, but if you have a chance, stop by sometime. Cheers!

Unknown said...

I sometimes wish life would come with a manual... or we had some kind of internal coach that could manifest and tell us exactly what to do... but then I think that actually we do have people who coach us and show us the way...I think you're one of those people....

Empress Bee (of the high sea) said...

first peter i had to go google the gordian knot. sorry to be so stupid! but i read this several times starting last night and came back to it this morning. i am still not sure i understand. but i am thinking!!

smiles, bee

Peter Haslam said...

I visted and enjoyed your blog Lavender thank you for joining the conversation

Peter Haslam said...

Thank you Random Magus it is all about getting an opportunity to draw back and see different perspectives

Peter Haslam said...

Hi Bee. It is just that life is complicated and for someone to say just make a change is not realistic for a lot of people. There will not just 1 change but a lot of little changes required and we need to take the time to handle each change comfortably. I should have put a link for the Gordian knot.

Miriam Robbins said...

Peter, I love your analogy to the Gordian Knot! I think that if we approach the changes we need to make in a positive light, as obstacles and negative thinking encroach upon us one by one, we can take time to consider them as learning experiences. Instead of being discouraged, those times are opportunities for us to revise our thinking and challenge those beliefs within ourselves that are holding us back from total change. Sometimes all this is hard to remember when we are facing trouble, but reminders like yours are good for us to ponder again and again! Thank you for your sage words.

Peter Haslam said...

Thank you Miriam for your excellent addition to the conversation

Unknown said...

i like that analogy about the layers. i read something similar on the idea of changing beliefs one by one; a native american approach to dealing with ignorance and misconceptions about their culture. that ignorance is like a stone wall. you have to carefully dismantle it, stone by stone. if you try to fight it you will just end up with bloody fists.