Sunday, February 22, 2009


We can spend a great deal of time trying to discover the reasons for a particular situation we are in especially if we decide other people are involved. The moment we consider the situation may be caused by others we seem to go on a witch hunt. Who did it? Why did they do it? How do we prevent it from happening again? Just to name a few of the questions we could ask.
People take action according to their beliefs whether we agree or not so we could waste a lot of time and effort trying to answer why and never get it right. We can examine the situation for clues to preventing a similar situation occurring in future. After that we should just accept the results and move on.
Your thoughts?

15 conversations:

Sandee said...

Sounds like the politics here in America. The blame game. Very few solutions for the most part and even when something is done there are those that think it's the right thing and those that don't. I'm just as guilty here as anyone else. I see some of the same mistakes being made that didn't work the first time. Sigh.

Nice to have a visit from you again, and I don't know how I missed this post. Perhaps because it was posted on Sunday? I think I hit the mark all as read in my Google reader that day.

Have a terrific day Peter. Ear scritches to the mistress of the house. :)

Anonymous said...

very nice

Anonymous said...

very Nice Post to have a meet from you again,

Anonymous said...

excellent article, thank you

Anonymous said...

Finding a reason behind other people's actions can be very beneficial - we can learn something we didn't know about other people or ourselves.

Anonymous said...

I like this post!

Anonymous said...

Very good article. Thanks !!!

Anonymous said...

Even if something is my fault I will still try and pin it on someone or something else. It usually ends up being the cat.

thiet ke web said...

Thanks for your info. Keep it up, dude!

Sandee said...

Hi Peter - It was nice to see your link in comments at my place. I've missed you.

I hope all is well with you and the mistress of the house. :)

Sidney said...

You have written a very good article. I totally agree with everything I read. It’s good to read an article about weight loss that is just common sense.

mike said...

all people have opinions different. sometimes they agree to us or even blasphemous our reason, no one knows a person's heart .........

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