Monday, July 21, 2008


The topic of freedom means many different things depending on who you talk to. However, I believe that we only have one fundamental freedom for everyone. That freedom is to make up our own mind on something.
Too many people have abdicated this freedom in favor of belonging, fitting in, going along, etc..
Making up your own mind does not mean being a dissenter or argumentative but deciding for yourself what is right, good, bad, and so on. Before we can moan about our life we need to make sure that we are exercising our most fundamental right to make up our own mind instead of following public opinion.
Your thoughts?

7 conversations:

Sandee said...

I am the master of my own ship. I refuse to buy into what everyone else is doing or thinking. I just plain refuse. The dumbing down of America is often heard here and it is so true. What the heck is happening to folks that need others to tell them what to think or do? Excellent post Peter. Have a great day. ;)

Peter Haslam said...

Thanks Sandee for the add :)

Anonymous said...

freedom depends on the peoples who want to be like ...
But freedom should give power to express

Anonymous said...

Freedom is everything.

Anonymous said...

freedom don't depends on the peoples who want to be like ...

Anonymous said...

I think that yes freedom is about making up your own mind on something. But I think freedom is often censored, to please one's thoughts.

Sometimes I think there is too much "mind" policing. By this I mean, others want to think for others.

An example of this... I heard a radio ad on the radio, but one listener did not like the ad, and actually called into the studio demanding that it be taken off the air, as she felt it was not an appropriate ad. See... because she felt it wasn't appropriate, she didn't want anyone else to hear it either.

Till then,


Anonymous said...

Freedom is one of the most complicated to understand things in life for those that never experienced it's lack.

There is not point in living without freedom of choice and making the right decisions.
