Thursday, December 6, 2007


Have you ever found yourself saying things like that was dumb or that was stupid or what
an idiot I was. Well you are not alone in doing this. We believe that in order to prevent
results that we don't want that we should clearly identify our goofs and make sure that
we own up to our responsibility for causing them.
The only reason we now label our actions that way is because we have a 
new perspective given to us by our results.
With our new perspective we will not take the same actions again 
but will choose different ones and get different results. 
Who knows perhaps we will like those results better.
As we are never able to have the identical situations arising again perhaps we should stop giving 
ourselves negative reinforcement and instead learn to laugh at ourselves.
Humor always gives a new perspective and we will always make better decisions when we are in a good mood.
Life is full of lessons and we need to learn them in a beneficial way that increases our possibilities for choices rather reducing them.
Your thoughts?

9 conversations:

Empress Bee (of the high sea) said...

glad to see you still blogging peter. i didn't come here for awhile because i understood you were not blogging. my mistake my friend... hope you are well.

smiles, bee

Sandee said...

This one was a hard one for me to overcome, but I finally did learn to laugh at myself. Along with "that was bloody brilliant wasn't it". I think you just get older and wiser and figure out this stuff in time. Great to see a post my friend. I hope all is well with you and Cleo. Big hug. :)

Peter Haslam said...

Blogging when I can bee thanks :)

Peter Haslam said...

Not yet Sandee but I am optimistic :)

Diane Dehler said...

This is a useful insight. It's difficult to acquire self acceptance and learn forgiveness. I am glad to see that you are managing to post a little Peter and hope things are better for you soon.

Happy Person said...

I am glad also to see that you are blogging. Got worried after reading your post on Changes.

Yes, I fully agree that we need to learn how to laugh at ourself when things do not turn out as expected. The world is changing fast and tendacy to make mistake is unavoidable. Laughing keeps us in perspective of ourself and gives energy and hope for further action. Cheers! And all the best!

Peter Haslam said...

yes princess haiku it is tough for some people to forgive themselves

Peter Haslam said...

good add thank you happy person :)

Anonymous said...

Very nice - a book on self esteem I read once said - you do your best all the time. It's a matter of your level of awareness.

Albert | UrbanMonk.Net
Modern personal development, entwined with ancient spirituality.