Thursday, November 15, 2007

Choices Define Us

Definitely one of the focus points on this blog has been about choice. The reason the emphasis is placed on choice is because our choices define us.

Can you think of any result in our lives where our choices were not part of the factors that created that result?

Your thoughts?

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7 conversations:

Sandee said...

Cause and effect I call it. I've lived by that for most of my life. Sometimes I didn't and paid a price for that decision. It doesn't have to be set in stone, but you need to know where you are going and basically how you are going to get there. Then work to that end. Life is full of choices. Excellent Peter. :)

Peter Haslam said...

Interesting princess haiku if we believe in reincarnation then even being born is a choice :)

Peter Haslam said...

Thanks Sandee for your add to the conversation :)

Unknown said...

Everything in life is a choice - every moment. We choose to worry ourselves to death or leave it to God. We can choose to be nasty and mean or just stay silent. Life is all about the choices we make and sometimes our choices can affect other people's lives and that's when we have to be most careful about the ones we make.

Peter Haslam said...

Thanks for your add Random Magus :)

Jennifer Jones said...

Our choices are critical, but I do think there are situations where we are presented with challenges that have nothing to do with choices... for example a child getting cancer, or a baby born with a genetic issue.

If one believes in the Karmic model then these are a result of choices in another life...

I just get the sense that there is more than we can as of yet comprehend, concerning how the universe works, how our particular lives influence each other, and how the web of existence/interaction impacts us all.

Having said this... at this point, as human beings, what we can do is use our consciousness to make the best choices we can..


Nice article Peter!!


Peter Haslam said...

True Jennifer but then how we handle those results is also a choice :)