Tuesday, August 21, 2007

Something Sleeps

Some people are known to go to extreme lengths to keep their world unchanged. They may change friends when their friends change to improve their lives. They may live by a set of inviolate rules which no one may break. They may live a solitary existence with only acquaintances that never see the real person.

When we resist change to this degree then something sleeps within us. We might even restrict thinking about or paying attention to anything that might lead to change. We are frozen in our growth and all of the joy available in life is lost. We are in the twilight zone.

It is when we strive for things and embrace the change that creating anything gives to us are we truly living rather than just existing. In this view of life there are no failures just answers to what ever question we are asking of ourselves.

We can sleep while life passes us by or decide to accept change as an essential part of living. As always the choice is ours to make. Do we sleep or do we live.

Your thoughts?

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12 conversations:

Empress Bee (of the high sea) said...


smiles, bee

Peter Haslam said...

Good for you and sarge Bee :)

paisley said...

this is a difficult question peter.. because i do not interact with anyone accept at work.. i don't answer the phone,, i maintain even my familial relationships by email... i know i am isolated,, but i do not desire human interaction... i am more contented without it... so if it is comfortable for me,,, how can it be bad????

Peter Haslam said...

Paisley it's not bad because you have made changes in other areas of your life. It is when we allow no change at all that it is limiting ourselves.

Sandee said...

I'm living large that's what I'm doing! Change is difficult, but sleeping through life is even more difficult. Have a great evening Peter. :)

Peter Haslam said...

agreed Sandee but there are people who do

Shantanu said...

Hmm. Very interesting thought! I think we lose out when we are dogmatic about anything. While some want to stay the same and shut out the changing world from their lives, I have also found people making changes to their lives along predictable trajectories as they age. They tend to do things that are 'acceptable' to their age group and peers so they can 'fit in' better (examples will probably depend from culture to culture - I live in India). I think an ability to adapt along with an ability to enjoy the things you did during your childhood and your youth can be a great combination.

Peter Haslam said...

A good addition to the conversation Shantanu. Yes there can be changes due to expectations as we age. But it is up to us at all ages to challenge ourselves from time to time.

Derrick Kwa said...

Hi, just thought I'd inform you, I blogged about this post, extending the metaphor slightly, hope you don't mind.

It's at http://derrickkwa.blogspot.com/2007/08/sleeping.html

Peter Haslam said...

No problem Derrick pleased that you found it worthwhile

Anonymous said...

Peter it seems that most all of your thoughts are worthwhile. How lucky we readers are to have someone like you to turn to and brighten our day.

Peter Haslam said...

Thank you Theresa it is a synergy between writer and reader