Wednesday, July 4, 2007

Sparks of Possibility

We can often look at the state of things and think to ourselves that there is nothing we can do about them. The problem is too big and we are but one person. Having made that decision we absolve ourselves from being part of the solution. 

On this day of Independence it is particularly appropriate to talk about how individuals can make a difference. An idea is started by one person who speaks with a voice of passion. That spark of passion then ignites in the heart of a listener who in turn passes on the spark.

Thus the American and French revolutions were started. Thus Rosa Parks in 1955 started the fight against segregation and ignited the spark in Martin Luther King Jr. Thus Mahatma Gandhi created the spark that led to independence for India.

When we are the presence of someone who is speaking from their spark of passion we can easily catch that spark and carry it forward. No problem is insurmountable if enough people get the spark.

It starts with one person. One person does make a difference. Maybe it won't create a new nation or stamp out world hunger. Then again it just might.

What would you change by being the spark?

17 conversations:

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the insight. "We are too ignorant to be a pessimist." We won't have planes and not to mention space travel if the Wright Brothers didn't believed in their dreams. There are numerous possibilities if we look for them.

Peter Haslam said...

Yes Shine the future starts with an idea

The Real Mother Hen said...

Yes indeed it all starts with one person :)

Sophia said...

All it takes is one domino to start a wave!

Anonymous said...

What about a move for interdependence? Everyone is so quick to make themselves different but really the world needs more cooperation.

Unknown said...

...what I would change would be people's perspectives I would love for people to see the world from the eyes of the person they hate and for them to understand and thereby lessen the violence and hate!!!!

Peter Haslam said...

Thank you The Real Mother Hen and Sophia for adding to the conversation

Peter Haslam said...

Yes Ed passion crosses boundries and borders and realizing our interdependence will hold us accountable to both what we do and what we don't do.

Peter Haslam said...

Then Random Magus we need to find a common ground somewhere that we can share and build from there

paisley said...

peter, as one who is guilty of never stepping out of my own back yard, i feel somewhat overwhelmed by todays problems,, even when i can identify them, i rarely can decide on a course of action..

i live in an area that is very outspoken politically, environmentally, etc... and i feel that the air taken on by people that are active in those things is something unfortuantely i would rather avoid..

so where then is one to turn, when the "activists" seem ever to anxious to self promote than actually fix anything??? i wouldn't want a following of "better thans" as i feel that is demeaning of the purpose if ones heart is really in the right place.....

just thinking out loud you know....

Anonymous said...

Great challenge Peter and for me the spark will come from a more conscientious decision to choose more words for peace. As we each allow peaceful words to begin to build stronger circles -- we can create highways away from conflicts and war we see daily. Thanks.

Peter Haslam said...

I wouuld agree Paisley that there are some people that jump on a band wagon just so they fit in. It is important that we have our spark of passion just as you have when you write that gives meaning to what we do. It is that spark that will attract other people who respond to that spark

Peter Haslam said...

Yes it is a challenge Ellen and if we understand we can make a difference no matter how slow it progresses then we can continue.

Sandee said...

Whatever I'm passionate about! I get it. :)

Peter Haslam said...

Yes Sandee as you have demonstrated a number of times on your blog

Samantha & Mom said...

What would I change by being the spark? I would try to get people to see that politicians on both sides only try to look out for their own good, not the good of the country. I mean I'm sure some are trying to do good, but the majority only want everyone to do it their way and some of their ways don't help anybody but them. I think we need to unite and just say hey, wait a minute. Who exactly is helped by this?

Peter Haslam said...

Yes Ann I would agree with your statement