Saturday, May 26, 2007

Spectators and Participants

A spectator watches a performance or is a member of an audience. 


  • Don't have to train to watch - no effort
  • Don't have to commit to a result - nothing to lose (unless betting)
  • Change teams, sports, performances at a whim - no investment

A participant is someone who takes part in something.


  • personal growth - learn new skills
  • sense of accomplishment from completing
  • learn how to handle reversals, lack of progress or defeats
  • learns the power of persistence
  • willingness to try new things for improvement
  • freely learns from others

Are we spectators of Life or participants in Life?

9 conversations:

paisley said...

peter... i am wondering if you will cover why someone would go from being a participant to a spectator?????

Jennifer Jones said...

Ohhh good question.


It is much easier and safer to be an observer, but there is little growth and reward!

Thanks for this Peter,


Peter Haslam said...

It's all about our comfort zone and self perspective Jennifer

Empress Bee (of the high sea) said...

oh definitely a participant! yeah!

smiles, bee

Peter Haslam said...

Bee i wouldn't expect anything less from you :)

Sandee said...

I have always been in the arena and have always been amazed at the folks who are always in the stands being the Monday morning quarterbacks.

How sad for those that never participate. Excellent post Peter.

Peter Haslam said...

Yes they do deserve our compassion well put Sandee

Diane Dehler said...

I think that how we deal with reversals speaks very closely to who we really are. Without difficulties or struggle we would have no measure of our strength or our will.

Peter Haslam said...

You are right princess haiku the prize seems sweeter for the struggle. Excellent point