Saturday, April 14, 2007

Get Out of Jail Card

When I was growing up one of the popular board games was Monopoly. It is a Real Estate game where you bought properties and charged rent when other players landed on your property. A certain square would land you in Jail and you were stuck there out of play until you rolled a double, paid a fine or had a get out of jail card.

Many of us stick ourselves in a mental Jail because of something that happened in our past. The problem is that we are stuck there until we release ourselves from our jail; out of action and letting life roll by as we stare out between the bars. No one else can release us from our jail because we feel that we belong there. We carry it around with us and look longingly through the bars and ask when will I be free to be me. If people only knew what I had done in my past I know they wouldn't look at me the same way. If I stay in my jail then they don't have to know.

Nothing could be further from the truth.

Everyone has events in their past they don't want to see the light of day. As I was reminded recently, mistakes are part of being human. The real question is did we learn from it and take the necessary steps to avoid repeating it again. If people don't want to accept the fact that I made a mistake then they are people I really don't want to associate with. They have their own jail cell and I want to escape the prison population.

Our past is done and over with and cannot be changed. It is what it is. Today I exist in potentiality. My decisions and actions today will create my future. I can be free to be me; warts, wrinkles, and imperfections.

So today I offer a free get out of jail card we can use to start living fully in our potentiality.

Print it out and put it on our vision board; we have done our time.

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12 conversations:

Anonymous said...

beautiful idea peter... much power to you!

Peter Haslam said...

I thought you might like it Steli. Thanks for the comment.

Sandee said...

Peter, what a wonderful post. I am please to say that I have this card already. You write so well, and you are so in touch. Excellent job as usual.

Peter Haslam said...

Thanks comey+ I appreciate your comment

Empress Bee (of the high sea) said...

okay, i'll give it a try! another good post my friend!

smiles, bee

Peter Haslam said...

Thanks Bee and for my get out of jail card you sent me

Anonymous said...

Thank you so much for the card - I know how much I have this problem and visualization is a great way to release thinks -

Peter Haslam said...

Thank you beth I needed the card too

S. Camille said...

Cute Peter, thank you.

Peter Haslam said...

Thanks Camille and the reminder I need to do some spring cleaning in my closets. :)

S. Camille said...

Oh, lol, you meant your 'closets' literally! I thought you were making reference to your mind...
Still, it is spring, and a cleaning is always good, whether it be literal or otherwise. I think I've got abstract analogies on the brain! I need a fresh dose of literal reality myself! When I'm finished being too busy that is, lol.

Peter Haslam said...

No you are right camille. I did mean both. :)