Wednesday, February 21, 2007

Building your Personal Team

Most of us when we run into personal problems have a support team in place to help us. They may be family, friends, confidants, or even our favorite astrologer. The team was built up over time and is instantly there we need them. If you are going to buy a car few of us don't at least talk to our team, perhaps do some research or search the web for information.

What about your financial team?

When you change careers, positions, companies there are lots of financial issues to consider. Are you in a pension plan? What happens to that money? Did you get a buy out offer? What are the tax implications? Do you invest your increase in pay? Do you use buy out monies for some tax planning? What about things like disability? What happens to your coverage? You just got told you were being downsized and you will be getting the package from Personnel today for you to make decisions. Lots of questions but unless you are in the financial planning field you have very few good answers.

The time to build your financial team is not when you are in trouble but just like your 'personal troubles' team it needs to be built ahead of time. You need to trust your team. You may need to talk to a number of different financial planners, tax consultants, investment councilors, insurance brokers and so on until you find the right members for your team. It is too late when you need them right now for advice. You are not likely to be at the same company for life so you know for sure that it will happen, just not when. 

What about your career team for when change happens?

    • professional resume writer
    • job placement firm
    • references
    • your network of contacts

Being a team builder is one of the skills you need to have.

If you have other examples please comment and I will include them in a future post.


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