Tuesday, September 18, 2007

Hurrying to Death

We can spend our lives in one blind hurrying rush into death without one moment to think or reflect on any of the things that give Life meaning or beauty. In fact the one thing that most seniors regret is not taking the time to enjoy and appreciate their relationships as they traveled through their lives.

If we don't take the time now and then to fully appreciate Life in all it's splendor then we will fail to put our lives in their proper context and miss out out the happiness that could be ours.

Failing to raise our heads from the grindstone of life condemns us to slave labor. We will lack meaningful purpose and have our happiness snatched away by the next issue or problem if indeed we obtain any happiness in the first place.

Life is about how we live not about how we toil. Life is the mountains we climb because we choose to and not climbing on someone else's wagon train to a destination that has no real meaning for us.

Take time to enjoy our lives.

Your thoughts?

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15 conversations:

Sandee said...

Perfect. It's my life and I will choose what paths I wish to take. I learned a long time ago that you must stop and smell the roses. You must take time for those that you care for. I'm doing all this with each step I take. Life is beautiful and I want to drink all of it that I can. Have a great evening Peter. :)

Peter Haslam said...

Me too Sandee and sharing it with friends

Jennifer Jones said...

I love this... live is about how we live, not how we toil.

Very nicely put!

Your post reminds me to live in the present... something that I am working on! :-)

Thanks Peter... as always!


Peter Haslam said...

I work at this myself Jen

Unknown said...

Death is so sudden and on some level we are all aware of that yet ironically we seem to forget that fact as we keep planning for the 'future' without ever appreciating the present when in reality it could all end this very second as I write

Peter Haslam said...

Yes Random Magus people seem to be afraid of death and so they avoid thinking about it so as not to invite it into their lives. Death is just another doorway the same way our birth was. We need to enjoy life while we have it :)

Anonymous said...

Yep, some Europeans say Americans have "the hurry sickness."

I was lucky enough to see Thorton Wilder's play Our Town when I was 12 years old. It taught me a lesson I've always remembered: Don't throw your life away by not paying attention. By "remembered", of course, I don't mean there aren't plenty of times it doesn't get submerged in details. It just means it's a deep enough part of my values that it keeps popping back up.

Peter Haslam said...

Love that quote Jean thanks

Writers Anonymous said...

We should see life through our own eyes and enjoy the scene. You never know when it changes. We these days don't have time to live our own life fully.

Peter Haslam said...

Amritbir we cannot but live fully in each moment. It is our perceprtions that delude us in to believing we don't

Peter Haslam said...

Thank you Rick appreciated

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the sharing, Peter, which reminds me of this quote, "Everyone dies, not everyone truly lives."

Peter Haslam said...

very good quote Shine thank you :)

Anonymous said...

I've gotten to the point of really resenting my job, as it's not what I want to be doing anymore. I think having fun and doing good in the world are the highest priorities.

Peter Haslam said...

recognition is the start of change Rhea