Monday, August 27, 2007

A Better Story

Remember when we were children how we used to write stories in our mind and then played at the roles we had designed. We would often write many stories in any given day. We might say that we were trying out the stories to see which one inspired us and stayed with us. The story that we redesigned and added to as we went along in life.

For some people that wrote a story in their minds that captured their heart made them start living that story. Ask a champion figure skater, Olympic athlete, or composer if they started by writing first in their minds before they started living it.

Some people have not found a story to write in their mind that inspired them and ended up drifting from one thing to another. They are waiting for a story some else has written that they could adopt as their own. Some are still waiting.

Others started living their stories and are unhappy as they have changed over the years and have yet to rewrite their story in their mind. They feel that they can't change it.

If we don't like our story then as the author of our lives we need to write ourselves a better story. After all the best authors go through many revisions and rewrites before finding the best story.

Is it time for a better story?

8 conversations:

Sandee said...

Excellent Peter. No, my story is proceeding along nicely. I do grasp what you are saying and there have been a few stories that I had to change and then change again before I got it right. Very positive post here. Have a great evening my friend. :)

Peter Haslam said...

I'm still rewriting myself Sandee :)

Anonymous said...

This is farsightness and motivation at root.

Armand Rousso

Unknown said...

I still do that, create stories and roles and play them out in my head. I thin part of my problem is that too much of my life is lived in my head. By the way Priscilla Palmer has the development list and she asked people on it to pick who they thought would fit the list. I put in your blog's name because it is about personal development!

Peter Haslam said...

Thank you for the recommendation Rando Magus

Unknown said...

Could think of no one else who fits the bill better than you Peter

Unknown said...

I think there is always a different story.

Peter Haslam said...

True Anrosh