Tuesday, July 31, 2007

Newspapers of the Mind

We all know people who are obsessed with staying up to date. They read 4 newspapers engrossed with the stories of violence, theft, relationship issues, scandal, politics, sports, business and so on.

Or they turn on the TV watching reality shows, crime stories, news from the moment they get home until they go to bed. Or spend countless hours searching and flitting round the Internet like a bumblebee searching for nectar.

Our minds can be mostly occupied by the same things that fill newspapers: wars in relationships, personal scandals, and the sport of our fantasizes and pleasures.

If we never stop; look around, challenge and spend time in contemplation we will never find wisdom.

What tip do you have to put down the newspapers of our mind?

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12 conversations:

Sandee said...

My favorite way is to get my MP3, put on my walking shoes, and go for a nice long walk listening to my favorite music. I get exercise, I take in the beauty along the way and I think about different things. They are always positive and refreshing. Wisdom perhaps, but mostly I find peace. Another wonderful post that makes you think. Exellent. Have a great evening Peter. :)

paisley said...

in response to our 911 tragedy i became for the first time engrossed in the daily news... i think that was a common occurence... as time wore on i realized,, that i couldn't tell you what newsworthy events happened last week last month last year,,, nor how many times any of them had made a noticeable difference in the way i lived my life...

upon that realization i gave up news watching ,, and went back to reading strictly for my self and my own entertainment....

Peter Haslam said...

Wisdom is taking the time to enjoy life as you have Sandee

Peter Haslam said...

Yes Paisley good addition to not get wrapped up in the meaningless

Anonymous said...

Thanks Peter for the sharing. Very true indeed. Sometimes it takes some consciousness in regard to what we think - what we allow our mind to focus on. There is no reason to re-run the "horror movies" of our daliy lives again and again in our own minds and let them overwhelm us.

Peter Haslam said...

I like that statement "horror movies" good analogy Shine

Jennifer Jones said...

Hi Peter...

I let go of the "newpapers of our mind" out of necessity. I noticed myself getting irritated, upset, angered, frustrated, overwhelmed... the more I inundated my soul with the negativity of the world, the more I felt my spirit wither...

As I listened to my heart, I found a release...

Wishing you a great day peter,


Peter Haslam said...

Me to Jen

Anonymous said...

Hi, ref: TV my friend's Father called it the Idiots Lantern, you could call newspapers the Idiot's Library.

Tip: get a hobby that requires some effortful thinking - e.g. painting, playing the piano.

Stop and think. Become consciously aware of the moment you crave for 'news' Surface why you believe you 'need to know', ask yours;ef - will 'knowing this add to my life?'

Peter Haslam said...

Thanks for your tip Reasonable Robinson

Peter Haslam said...

Thanks for your tip Reasonable Robinson

Anonymous said...

Im dont usually listen to news or read newspapers as much for a variety of reasons

1) I beleive they have a huge bias within them

2) They only promote bad news (this adding to the bias) as bad news sells and we cant really do anything about that. So i before hand know that the news is going to be depressing i opt to just steer clear of it