Sunday, July 22, 2007

Death's Door

 What if we knew when we were going to die? Let's say 3 weeks from today. Would we panic saying it's not enough time to get all the things done that we need to do? Would we be afraid? Suddenly get religion or just cry out why me. Why now?

In reviewing our life as we would do; what would we regret not doing. Would it be not spending quality time with our family? Would it be about our focus on things and our realization that now they are no longer  important.

Would we regret not pursuing relationships because we thought we would have time later? Would we regret not following our passions? Would we regret not going for our dreams? So many questions different than those we normally ask ourselves.

What advice would we want to pass on to friends and family about choosing their priorities in life correctly? We think we have all the time in the world to get everything done. However; with few exceptions, no one knows the moment of their death. 

Would we say we could have lived a better life? How sad those words are to sum up our existence.

We are alive right now, right here and we have this moment to live. How do we wish to live it?

Your thoughts?

16 conversations:

Sandee said...

I live every moment as though it will be my last. If I love you, then you know it. I would change nothing. Excellent post my friend... Far too many folks don't even thing about this, or they think they have lots of time to do so. :)

Peter Haslam said...

Yes Sandee most people just think it won't happen to them Thanks for your addition

Anonymous said...

I came over here to see what you were up to and I got sucker punched. You made me think about three weeks and I answered yes to many of those questions you asked.

I need to go now as I have much to think about beore I drift off to sleep. Great post!

Cheers. "Sleeping Kitten - Dancing Dog!"

Peter Haslam said...

Theresa111 I revisit these questions and others from time to time to remind myself to choose wisely. Not something I have done in the past

Douglas Eason said...

Hi There

Possibly the idea of living everyday as if it's your last could possibly end with a negative feeling towards everyday.
maybe a better approach is to use the idea to condition ourself from time to time.
I believe like Tony Robbins that The Past Does Not Equal The Future.
I hope that I'll be remembered when I die and I think that that's the least anyone should ask of themselves. That and that you look good when You're Dead.
But enough of the dark topic for me.

I hope you all have a Fantastic and beautiful today, tomorrow and for a good long unforseeable future.


Peter Haslam said...

Rednose as long as yyou are not wrapped up in postponing your needs for an uncertain future

S. Camille said...

I don't find it dark to think about death at all. It reminds me of the life I have right now. I like how in the Native American spirituality they say to themselves everyday "It is a good day to die" which means they are living life today, not putting off anything til tomorrow.

Peter Haslam said...

I agree Camille I find it makes life sweeter. Good addition to the conversation

Jennifer Jones said...

Hi Peter...

Great post!

I actually had a time in my life where I faced such a future...

Spending some time in contemplation with the very real possibility of not living more than a few weeks has changed my life.

It is a wake up call for sure!

Thanks for this Peter,


Peter Haslam said...

Jennifer I am glad that it worked out for you and for contributing to the conversation.

paisley said...

alas,, a question that i don't feel i have to answer with another question.... day one,, i would go to the hood and get 8 dimes of heroin... two for each dog and four for 1-20 i would spend at home,, doing what i do best,,, writing,, thinking,, spending every last moment with my dogs... on the day before the the final event.. i am sure i would cry my good byes to my "girls" and get them in bed with me,, and proceed to put all of us to sleep....

i have lived a very full life... i am ready at any time... if i was given the life sentence of three weeks,, i would cut it short by only one day,, but only because i want to do this myself...

and it is imperative to me that if i have any say in the matter,,my dogs are going with me...i will not leave them alone, to be caged and perhaps euthanised by strangers..

this is not in any way dismal or gruesome.. this is just something i have already decided.. if it is within my power,, i will not allow disease or humanity to take my life force from me,, but rather i will extinguish my own flame, at a time i see fit....

Peter Haslam said...

That is your choice Paisley. Our lives and consequences are ours. It is not for others to understand or judge.

Empress Bee (of the high sea) said...

i'd go on a cruise!

smiles, bee

Peter Haslam said...

Only if you take me Bee :)

Loz said...

Hi Peter - for me it's said in the Garth Brooks song "The Dance"

Our lives are better left to chance I could have missed the pain
But I'd of had to miss the dance

Peter Haslam said...

Thanks loz for your addition