Thursday, April 12, 2007

Obsessive Thoughts and Thinking Skills

 I will start with a definition of the word obsession. It is having persistent, repetitive, and unwanted thoughts that we cannot eliminate by logic or reasoning. Such as I'll NEVER amount to anything. NOBODY likes me. I am UNLUCKY. It's FATE. I'm FAT. I'm UGLY. We can all make a large list so I will stop there.

The first key is the word unwanted and the second key is that it is a belief. A belief does not have to have any supporting evidence or rationale. It is just true for us. Therefore, dealing with obsessive behavior and thoughts is all about managing our beliefs. If we are having obsessive thoughts then it is a loud alarm bell telling us we need to stop and deal with it for our own mental, emotional and often physical health. The long term consequences of carrying these beliefs will definitely diminish the quality of our lives. Sometimes the beliefs are so ingrained that we need to seek professionals to help us.

I used to have a lot of negative obsessive thoughts that I can certainly say diminished the quality of my life. The solution for me was to question my beliefs and determine if there was any validity to the statement or is it there simply because I never challenged it. I touched on this in a previous post.

This post was in response to a tag by Mark Robinson with a meme on obsessive thoughts. A meme is a question or list of questions that you saw somewhere else or were asked and you decided to answer.

So now I will answer it.

No, I do not have any obsessive thoughts any more. Remember one of the keys is unwanted thoughts. There are, however, thoughts that I have daily.

  1. Remembering to be grateful for what I have.
  2. Envisioning my future goals.
  3. Remembering to be present and enjoy my life as it unfolds.
  4. Contributing to my community of friends that I have fortunately  attracted into my life. Which includes those I have met through this blog.
  5. Ensuring that Cleo my cat and Mistress of the house gets fed.

True to the theme of meme's I will tag the following who have the choice to participate or not.

Digital Nomad




24 conversations:

Sandee said...

First Cleo wouldn't be forgotton when it's time for her to eat. Just don't believe that.

Great post on obsessive thoughts. I took me years to get rid of mine and my father was nice enough to plant them. I would never amount to anything, I was stupid, and the list goes on and on. I never really accepted them, but was too young to really deal with how to eliminate them from my thinking. As a result I didn't feel worthy of much so I didn't get much either. To top it off I went out and married a man just like my father. So it continues...

Once I was able to dump those negative tags I began to grow in wonderful ways. As a result I had to dump that husband too. I began to know that I wouldn't settle for things less than I deserved. Today, I am surrounded by many wonderful people who respect and value each other. It's a great feeling to be rid of those obsessive thougths.

Great post as always Peter :)

Peter Haslam said...

Ah comedy+ what can I say. You are part of the community I spoke about and as always you enrich the conversation. Thanks

S. Camille said...

Hi Peter... very interesting meme. I'm definitely excited about participating. Thanks for the tag!

Peter Haslam said...

I thought you might Camille. Join the conversation

Diane Dehler said...

Hi Peter,
Stopped to have a read and see what is new.

Peter Haslam said...

Thanks princess haiku for stopping by

Unknown said...

Hello Petros,
Of course I will participate. I tried to leave a comment last night, but it did not take I guess.

I sent you some interesting links on nomads today via email.

Peter Haslam said...

Thanks Michael

Sandee said...


I have a request:

I have been nominated for “Best Humor Blog” over at Blogger’s Choice Awards. I would appreciate your vote. Sign up is easy and it’s FREE. Thank you in advance.

Anonymous said...

Great Post! :)

It breaks my heart to see how negative beliefs and thoughts stop people from achieve success and happiness. I see it in so many of my family members and friends.

It took me years of proactively working on my personal growth before I manifested the success I enjoy now.

It really is true as James Allen said "A man is literally what he thinks, his charater being the complete sum of all his thoughts."

Peter Haslam said...

if you haven't checked out comedy+ blog then you have missed a treat. I voted for her because she often brightens up my day with a good laugh.

Peter Haslam said...

Thank you amit for your comments and adding to the conversation

Empress Bee (of the high sea) said...

i liked this post, it made me think! ha ha

smiles, bee

Carol said...

I have completed the Meme. Here's the link.

Peter Haslam said...

Thank you bee. Looking forward to hearing about your trip

Peter Haslam said...

Thanks Carol. As usual I expect an interesting twist.

S. Camille said...

I've answered this meme you tagged me for. You can see it here

Thanks Peter. I enjoyed it very much!


Peter Haslam said...

Thanks Camille I will read with interest

Unknown said...

I think I have OCD I really do. And sadly its pretty difficult for me to moderate either I obssess or I am apathetic which is as bad.
But life's all about growing and its fun to work over the gray areas.
PS I love your cat!

Peter Haslam said...

Cleo says thank you and I thank you for joining the conversation random magus

Anonymous said...

I struggle with this myself.

I go like, nobody wants me, I am not a part of this gang...

I have found that if I want people to want me, I only have to tell myself that I am being wanted. This accually works...

Peter Haslam said...

Yes it does conversational hypnosis

Hypnosis Man said...

Thanks for this post - being grateful is such a powerful form of lifting your spirit, I think that one is probably the best one on your list. Oftentimes we don't realize how privilegdged we already are, and that hinders us from improving.

seaside homes for sale said...

First thing should be acceptance, accepting that there are some things in life that we cannot change. Then make the proper adjustment for it. Too much of something is never a good idea, whether its good or bad.