Monday, February 26, 2007

Are you in Survivor mode?

You know that you are a survivor when you have lost everything and then were successful in rebuilding your life or it could be your finances or relationships and so on. If it is the third or fourth time that you are rebuilding the same thing then you may be in survival mode.

I call it survivor mode when someone pours all of their energies into protecting what they have because they believe it will be lost again and watch everything intensely for the slighest hint of it reoccuring. When they get that first hint they then act as if it has already happened and it becomes a self-fulfilling prophecy. Potential race drivers learn in driving school that if they are sliding towards the wall and put all of their focus on the wall they will hit it. I know that when I see and focus on a pothole in the road ahead of me I am sure to hit it everytime. 

So how do you stop from staring at the pothole?

By focusing on where you want to go. Focus  is like having tunnel vision or wearing blinkers so that you just don't see the problem because all of your attention is on what you want. Yes, it's easier said than done. It will take practice just like the race driver or when you were learning how to ride a bicycle. Each time you will get a bit better until it becomes a habit.



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5 conversations:

Anonymous said...

exactly the case Peter! Some people has this survivor quality in there nature. they lost everything, yet they still ready to re built. And there are people who just after one hit collapsed, whining about fate and luck. you are right about focus in a sense that after such case one should not stop but try with more efforts to work out the thing s in his favor.

Anonymous said...

It is remarkable, very amusing message

Anonymous said...

I can not participate now in discussion - it is very occupied. I will be released - I will necessarily express the opinion on this question.

monterey foreclosures said...

I do sometimes, but it also gets harder and harder every time. That is why I feel lucky to have gotten past it, also I look up to the people who have faced great adversity and are still going strong. It is remarkable.

Anonymous said...

Good bye, considerate alternative other :)