Tuesday, June 5, 2007

Blogblast for Peace


I really struggle with the concept of peace.

Some say that peace is the absence of war. War is automatic when we have enemies. To have peace then we need no enemies. This would extend to the war on oppression, poverty, hunger, drugs, crime and so on. If this is our definition of peace is it ever to be accomplished? Would we sacrifice others to keep it for ourselves by not aiding others in need of our help to obtain it for themselves?

Some say that peace means peace of mind. An inner tranquility and serenity of soul. The absence of mental stress or anxiety. If this is not freely available to every person on earth can we have peace?

Some say that peace is harmonious relations and freedom from disputes. If we have scarcity in any way is peace possible?  Would we live with less rather than more as a choice for peace?

If we hold opposing views do we have the possibility of peace? When someone is starving? When someone doesn't have the freedom and opportunity to be the best that they can be? 

So if peace is our moral value dependent on our view of the world, our experiences and our sense making of our place in the world vs others. How do we achieve it for everyone?

It will come only when everyone wants it both for themselves and for others equally and consider it a basic human right.

In the meantime I will continue to support any steps in that direction starting with myself and supporting efforts like Mimi and her Blogblast for peace.

May we all live in peace.

33 conversations:

Sandee said...

Excellent as I knew it would be. Peace to you my friend. :)

Anonymous said...

Peter, I think peace will be for all when we stop worrying about others and concentrate ourselves. When we accept that we all think different and we allow each to be, then there will be peace. I know that it seems far off, but I know that it will happen because of people like you.

Peter Haslam said...

And to you Sandee

Peter Haslam said...

Thanks for your vote of confidence Beth :)

Lee Ann aka Dixie said...

Excellent post!

Peace to you!

Peter Haslam said...

Peace to you dixiechick

Empress Bee (of the high sea) said...

peace to me means not having to worry about planes flying into buildings and children with bombs strapped to their chests on busses. i pray for peace. i really do...

smiles, bee

Nick Phillips (15/03/1967 - 04/11/2022) said...

Great post :) Peace IMHO can only be achieve if everyone is more tolerant of each other. I hope in my life time I'll be able to see that happen but from the way the world is right now with everyone having loads of distrust for our fellow humans, what are the chances of that happening? But that doesn't mean I can't hope for it, ya? I'm with you all the way :)

Kimo and Sabi said...

Peace be wif yous!

Peter Haslam said...

I do to Bee
Peace to you nick
Cleo and I say peace to kimo and sabi

Anonymous said...

Too right... it certainly won't happen if we do nothing at all... this is a first step of many!

Have a peaceful day!

Peter Haslam said...

Thank you annelisa for joining the conversation

Anonymous said...

Here here, Peter. Someone once asked me in a meme to describe what a list of words meant to me. One of the words was peace, and my response was: "The result of acceptance of ourselves and everyone around us". Nothing is impossible...

Diane Dehler said...

This is a great post, Peter and a topic that occupies my mind a lot of the time. It is being the part of the solution that is most challenging.

BTW Would you be interested in writing about how you became a blogger and why etc. Info on my space.

Mimi Lenox said...

"Peace is a basic human right."
Well said.
Well done.

Loved this post and your honest insightful pen to paper. Makes one think. Opens dialogue.
Peace to you and yours. Welcome to your first Dona Nobis Pacem in the blogosphere, Peter.

Mimi Lenox

Peter Haslam said...

Peace as we can see means different things to different people and acceptance and love does not create peace unless reciprocated.

Peter Haslam said...

Agreed Princess Haiku and send me an email on some detail at pghaslam at gmail dot com about my space

Peter Haslam said...

Thanks Mimi was a pleasure to join and dialogue is what is required to move forward and reconcile so many different viewpoints

Bud Fisher said...

May the warmth and spirit of this Peace Globe Day bring us all peace. You’re globe is beautiful.

From WTIT: the most peaceful Tape Radio Station ever…

Peter Haslam said...

And to you Bud

Anndi said...

A most insightful and thought provoking post Peter. well said!

Will we achieve Peace in our lifetimes? I do not have that answer, but I certainly hope we treat each other with respect and dignity..

"It begins with me..."

Peter Haslam said...

I agree anndi it does start with each of us and then we want it for others. Thanks for joining the conversation

Travis Cody said...

I came by from Mimi's. Happy Peace Globe Day.

Peace to you!

Peter Haslam said...

And for you Travis

Anonymous said...

Excellent post Peter.. i agree with Anndi - it all starts with us.. us learning to accept and respect others.. Peace to all :)

Peter Haslam said...

Peace to you Pearl

S. Camille said...

Peace is acceptance, utter and absolute. It doesn't mean we can't aspire to or instigate change. Of course we are going to have differences of opinion, but that doesn't have to mean violent opposition. Agree to disagree, then look for the 'peaceful way' to harmonize. And like the theme of your blog... nothing stays the same. So too then, must the ways of peace change with the circumstances.

Peter Haslam said...

Good addition to he conversation Camille Thank you

Anonymous said...

Peter, what an excellent post! I truly appreciate what you had to say (and you said it beautifully).

Peter Haslam said...

Thank you polliwog

krystyna said...

Peace be always with you!
Great post!

Peter Haslam said...

Peace to you krystyna

Annelisa said...

Peace to you and yours!