Thursday, November 8, 2007


Some people have a tendency to seek to blame others for the results of the decisions they made. It is how they delude themselves into believing they are not responsible for their actions. They are also fond of holding people accountable for things beyond their control.

This is the ultimate blindness as they have disconnected results from actions and entered a dream world. As long as they remain in that dream state nothing will change.

It takes great courage to examine ourselves and be honest in accepting responsibility for results. When we have done that then we can start to master change instead of being at the whim of change.

Knowing ourselves is our hero's quest and rising above our errors leads to wisdom. With wisdom we finally gain perspective.

Your thoughts?

7 conversations:

Diane Dehler said...

Courage is a powerful force and a rare trait. And something we all need more of.

Peter Haslam said...

very true princess haiku

Unknown said...

How rare it is for people to ask '..and what part do I play in the problem?'

Sandee said...

Excellent Peter. Sometimes people do bad things to you, but when you goof up you need to admit it rather than blame someone else. It's hard to do, since it is a bruise to our egos, but it is essential if we are going to be the best we can be. Excellent and have a great weekend my wise friend. :)

Peter Haslam said...

yes reasonable robinson our response is usually "who me"

Peter Haslam said...

True Sandee no one likes to look "bad" and therefore put on the blinkers. :)

flametree said...

Responsibility was once something that people took ownership of, but now seem too ready to pass off onto others.

Strangely enough I was thinking along these lines today after my workout. I thought of all the actions I have taken in the past that have lead to me putting on weight - junk food, alcohol binges, taking the lift instead of the stairs etc. No-one made me do these things, I chose to do them and as a result, I put on weight. Others in the same boat may choose to blame the junk-food chains or their work-places, but then they'll also sit around waiting for someone else to remove their weight for them.